Convert your IT to a utility model – let us tell you when, why, how and where

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Computing as a utility, like electricity or your telephone is an ancient idea. In fact, “Computing may someday be organized as a public utility just as the telephone system is a public utility,” Professor John McCarthy said at MIT’s centennial celebration in 1961. Computing as utility is reality today. It is reshaping the IT industry. There are several articles about it too. With over 25 years of doing systems management, migrations and hosting, my team and I have mastered this art into a science and am sharing a summary of our thoughts in 4 points here. Lot of enterprises know they have to do it. They hesitate because they are not sure why, when, how and where to start.
1. First, let us talk about the “Why” – reasons to starting such an initiative. With the advent of what I term as the continuous disruption in all and every industry, we hear the term that every enterprise needs “Innovation Freedom” and that too innovation has to top the speed of light. At the same time, one needs to keep the foot on the ground, earn, and grow on current initiatives and every enterprise needs focus on their current Business. As a result, every enterprise needs to plan and build a solid foundation in present and for the future.
2. Now let us talk about the “When”. Today more than ever the aging legacy platforms and hardware easily determine a part of the “When”. Need for compliance and concurrency, staying upgraded to the latest state of the art is necessary to remain competitive. Upgrades is another reason for the “When”.
3. “How” is easy. Start with a no-long-term-obligation proof-of-concept. Remember more than anything a utility model is “OPEX” and not “CAPEX”. So no need to plan and ask for significant budgets. Start Hybrid and start with systems and interfaces/ integrations that cause least business disruption. Address a lot of “T’s” and “I’s” and most importantly make it secure yet flexible and comprehensive as you build the proof-of-concept. Having this proof-of-concept puts most risks to bed.
4. “Where” to start is to be determined by first determining a trusted partner. One who is treasuring your interests and addressing your need. Not necessarily one that is a big established name, since they have already a lot of baggage of their own interest at hand. In addition, remember you have nothing to lose when you are starting with the proof-of-concept. You are making an investment. Reap the best out of your time and money on this proof-of-concept and then refine your timeline and objectives to crystal clarity.