Customer Vendor Integration BLOG Part 2 of 3.
This is the second part of a three part blog on SAP CVI (Customer/Vendor Integration).

Lessons learned on mis-Configurations:
General Settings
Missing Tax Classification and Address Number Range cause errors. Majority of businesses forget to include their tax numbers or tax categories in the master data. When creating master data, the title is left blank. This used to be an acceptable norm in SAP ECC. This results in inaccuracies that must be corrected before the CVI process. This can be fixed by obtaining a list of such master data and correcting it.
Customer/Supplier to BP
For all account groups in the direction of Customer/Supplier to Business Partner, BP roles must be maintained. If you don’t have this setting, you’ll get a customization error, which needs to be fixed. This can be accomplished by creating a list of account groups and assigning the appropriate assignment. To understand the impact, master data and transactional data connected with account groups with the same name and number range must be reviewed. As a result, these must be assigned.
Value Mapping
Non maintenance of data like payment card information, Information on VIP Indicator, marital status, Legal forms results in error related to Value mapping.
Lessons learned on Inconsistent Master Data:
Missing Title from Master Data
Majority of data in ECC is created without the creation or assignment of a title. The error “Form of address 0001 not designated for organisation” appears as a result. These must be remedied by assigning proper titles, such as “Mr.” or “Ms.” for individuals, and “Company” for businesses. When the designations “Mr.” or “Ms.” for people and “Company” for organizations are jumbled up, problems occur. As a result, precise title assignment is critical prior to the CVI conversion.
Existing Business Partner Data
Sometimes there is Business Partner Data that was created with some intent in mind. However, the project could have been abandoned or there could have been another cause. When a CVI conversion is performed when a Business Partner with an overlapping number range already exists, an error occurs. To manage these issues, compiling this list before to conversion, as well as appropriate grouping and assignment of Number ranges, is critical.
Missing Tax Numbers
Country specific implementation may require entry of Tax numbers. If these are missed out or incorrectly maintained, these need to be corrected prior to conversion of such customer / vendor masters.
Overlapping number range assignment
For proper conversion of customer and vendor master data, careful assignment of number ranges and grouping of account groups is required. An error message stating “Number not in interval XXXXXXXXX” may occur if this is incorrectly maintained. Before converting, they must be fixed.
Lessons learned on customizations:
Enhancements, exits, and repairs need to be correctly identified holistically to prevent loss of information and/or loss of functionality after the CVI process completes.
In summary, we depict the lessons learnt below.